Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Sealed by the Spirit"

The last message in our series from Ephesians 1:1-14 looks at how the Holy Spirit applies the work of the Father and Son in the life of the Christian.

MP3 File

"Redeemed by the Son"

In our on-going series from Ephesians 1:1-14, we consider next what blessings we receive through the redeeming work of Jesus.

MP3 File

"In Christ"

The first in a series on messages from Ephesians 1:1-4 provides an introduction to Paul's teaching on the spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ.

MP3 File

"A Heart of Wisdom"

This message from Psalm 90 looks at some practical ways we can "redeeem" our days.

MP3 File

"Walking in Circles"

Spiritually most of us tend to walk in circles, the same bad habits, the same wrong attitudes, the same destructive patterns, the same messed-up relationships, and the same sins. This message will offer us help from God and His word to get walking straight with Him.

MP3 File