Monday, July 18, 2016

Pokemon Go and Tell

What are we to make of this latest craze? Can a game that used augmented help the church understand and share the spiritual realities around us? This message looks at the reasons why people are drawn to Pokemon Go, what the church can rediscover about its calling and issues a challenge for us to make hidden truths real to the world today.

MP3 File

Choose Jesus

This message was for our VBS kickoff. Using Joshua 24:15 as a starting point we considered some reasons why people should choose Jesus.

MP3 File

July 4th Sermon

Our morning message from the 4th of July weekend.

MP3 File

Ask Dad

Our Father's Day message this year builds off an ad campaign that encourages people to turn off the internet and ask their Dads questions about life. What answers would we get if we ask our Heavenly Father the ultimate questions of life?

MP3 File